The name of this organization shall be Great Plains NEBB (hereinafter referred to as "The Chapter"), which shall be a local chapter of NEBB (formerly known as National Environmental Balancing Bureau). Its principal office shall be located at PO Box 2309, Mission, KS 66201.
The geographical territory of this chapter shall be as follows: Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Illinois.
Chapter Duties
The duties of this Chapter shall be the following:
To abide by the provisions established in the latest edition of the Operational Procedures of NEBB.
To establish accredited schools or provide other educational programs for the purpose of qualifying supervisors in accordance with NEBB requirements.
To verify that firms making application for certification meet NEBB certification requirements.
To promote the programs of NEBB, with contractors and with construction designers and specifiers.
To maintain the standards established by NEBB.
To implement local action under the NEBB Quality Assurance Program.
To conduct periodic seminars or refresher courses for the continuing education of the designated supervisors of certified firms as well as certified technicians.
Section 1. Any applicant meeting the qualifications set forth in this Article and desiring to become affiliated with this Chapter shall make application on a form supplied by the Chapter and accompanied by such membership fees and dues as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.
Section 2. Chapter roster shall be limited to those firms which:
(a)Express a willingness to take the necessary steps to meet the NEBB certification requirements.
(b)Maintain a reputation of quality work. Membership in a MCAA local association or SMACNA, MCA, Trade Union Membership or any other Trade Organizations is not a requirement for affiliation with a NEBB Chapter. Affiliation will be open to all installing piping contractors, installing piping firms; installing sheet metal firms; installing mechanical firms; temperature control firms; mechanical service firms; firms engaged in building commissioning; firms engaged in testing, adjusting and balancing work, and engineering firms or contractors engaged in any of the NEBB disciplines.
Affiliation with a local chapter is a requirement for maintaining certification.
Section 3. NEBB Qualified Supervisors, not employed by an affiliated firm, may be an associate member of Great Plains NEBB by paying an annual membership fee to that chapter. Such associate members may participate in chapter affairs as a committee member, board member, or chapter officer.
Board of Directors
Section 1. The business and affairs of this Chapter shall be managed by a Board of Directors with a minimum of seven (7) members, who shall be elected in the following manner: A vote shall be taken at the annual chapter meeting with the members of the Great Plains Chapter. Only certified members in good standing with NEBB shall participate in the voting. Newly elected board members shall take office immediately following the end of the meeting.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have and exercise general supervision and control over the business, property and affairs of this Chapter and shall have full power and authority to act or represent this Chapter in all matters pertaining to it.
Section 3. Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least two (2) times annually, at a time and place to be designated by the President and set forth in a notice which shall be forwarded to each member of the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days prior to each meeting.
Section 4. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any 3 voting Directors upon seven (7) days’ notice, such meetings to be held at the time and place and for the stated purpose specified by the persons calling for the meeting.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for ordinary and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as authorized and approved by the Board. Travel, lodging and food expenses shall be covered by the chapter for the National NEBB conference for the representatives attending.
Section 6. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the Board of Directors. Such appointed replacement Directors shall complete the remainder of the vacated term.
Officers Section
Section 1. The officers of this Chapter shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2. The officers of this Chapter shall be elected by the Board of Directors from the membership of the Board at the first regular meeting of the Board and annually thereafter.
Section 3. The Board of Directors at its first regular meeting shall appoint a Chapter Technical Committee Chairman from the membership of the Board. The Chapter Technical Committee Chairman will also act as the President-Elect. President, President-Elect/TCC are required to be a Certified Professional (CP).
Section 4. The Board of Directors at its first regular meeting shall appoint a Chapter Marketing Liaison from the membership of the Board. The Chapter Marketing Liaison will also act as the Treasurer. There are no requirements to act as the chapter Treasurer or Chapter Marketing Liaison.
Section 5. The Board will also have three (3) director positions. A Director/Member at Large and two (2) director positions.
Section 6. The President shall be the Chapter's representative to NEBB, He/She shall keep NEBB advised of the Chapter's education program and other activities and attend the National Annual Meeting of the National Environmental Balancing Bureau. If He/She is not able to attend the Annual Meeting of NEBB then the Technical Committee Chair will take their place.
Meetings & Events
Section 1. Meetings of this Chapter shall be held as provided in the Bylaws, at least annually. Notice of such meetings shall be forwarded to each affiliated firm at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Any fees associated with the meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors. One (1) Certified Professional from each firm and each discipline may attend the Chapter meeting at no cost to the firm.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the Chapter may be called by the President or Board of Directors at such times and places as are designated in the notice of the meeting. Written, faxed, or e-mailed notice of Special Meetings shall be mailed to the Chapter firms not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Section 3. The majority of the firms affiliated with this Chapter constitute a quorum for all meetings.
Section 4. The meetings of this Chapter shall be guided by the Rules and Regulations of Parliamentary Law as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
Section 1. The dues required for affiliation with the Chapter shall be in an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues shall be paid promptly and non-payment within a period prescribed by the Board of Directors shall be just cause for expulsion.
Section 2. No part of the net earnings of the Chapter shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its affiliated firms, officers or directors or any other private person or persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the duties set forth in Article III. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 3. Dues and fees shall not be set at levels as a means of unfairly excluding otherwise eligible firms.
Section 4. The method of financing the Chapter shall be subject to the approval, review, and audit of NEBB.
Standing Committees
The Board of Directors shall establish a technical committee, chaired by the Technical Committee Chairman, which shall be responsible to NEBB for the following:
(a) To evaluate the qualifications of a firm and individuals making application for certification by NEBB.
(b) To assist in the administration of any training seminars provided by the Great Plains Chapter.
(c) To assist in the administration of a local NEBB Accredited School, if established. The Board of Directors shall establish a marketing committee, chaired by the Marketing Committee Chairman, which shall be responsible to NEBB for the following:
(a) Liaison with other organizations to promote the objectives of NEBB.
(b) Market the Great Plains Chapter through trade shows and other types of events.
(c) Set up and monitor social media accounts on behalf of Great Plains NEBB Chapter.
The Board of Directors shall establish such other standing committees as necessary to fulfill the duties of the Chapter.
Quality Assurance Program
The Board of Directors, in the event of a complaint being filed against the work of a certified firm in their geographical area (jurisdiction), shall, upon notification of the NEBB National Office:
(a) Immediately instruct the Technical Committee Chairman (or his designate) to initiate local action as called for under the NEBB Quality Assurance Program.
(b) Continue to monitor the action, to affect a local solution to the complaint. If successful, notify the National office.
(c) If unsuccessful, refer the case to the National Office for resolution.
No firm affiliated with this Chapter shall have any cause of action in its own right, or on behalf of another affiliated firms against this Chapter or NEBB or any officer or director thereof for any action of commission or omission, and no formerly affiliated firm of this Chapter shall have any cause of action arising out of the termination of affiliation against this Chapter or NEBB or any officer or director thereof.
In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the organization, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, and after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, the property or other assets of the organization, and any proceeds thereof, insofar as permitted by law, shall be distributed to such non-profit corporation, association, or other organization having purposes similar to this organization, which shall have received notice of exemption and be exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or such corresponding section or sections as may from time to time be in force, as the Board of Directors of the organization shall determine.
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the affiliated firms as at Regular or Special Meeting held at least thirty (30) days after presentation of the amendment to the firms affiliated with the Chapter.
Amendments are subject to review and approval by NEBB.